Security Response

Thank you for your interest in keeping SwitcheOn secure.

We are dedicated to providing IoT products with real security and privacy for all of our users.

Reporting security problems:

Please feel free to send urgent or sensitive security reports to

We are a security sensitive team of engineers:

As it pertains to a response, you’ll get a reply from our team usually within 24 hours and certainly within 1 business day. We will work with you to help fully investigate and understand the scope of the potential problem, and once resolved, we will immediately release a security update and link to you and/or your site with appropriate credit and appreciation.

Thanks for working with us

We respect the time, energy and talent required to stay at the leading edge of security research. We particular respect those that take the time and effort to safely disclose and help fix security bugs. Thanks for your dedication to a better Internet of Things for all of us.

  • George Gal